Environmental Independence ?

The strength of life is not in making demons and overpowering them with our courage and resilience. There's probably more in the possibility of dying by being realistic, transient and arduous. What concerns me the most, is 'Humans are extremely cruel'. People hate climbing the mountain of corpses to get to the top. They are desperate to readily offer soul in order to become the devil. This harsh form of life isn't used for the benefit of the society. Rather, is used to pile infinite amount of shameless acts in the name of adversity. The real facets of each and every species are absolutely ugly and unbearable. That's the kind of world humans are building. A world above the clouds.
                                                                 In this process, forgetting the images of past is a hobby. While narcissism is passion and intonation is weapon. The words uttered by them are blinding yet reassuring. Those ideologies, expedient and lies are all illusions of time. Even arrogance and unruly behaviour against them has no means to stay in their corporate world. Perhaps the universe is not accepting such outcome that we're going into the self destructive state. And even after knowing all of these circumstances, they've readily demonstrated the dictatorship by scrapping the rules.
                                    Perhaps we don't deserve people like those running the government. They're bought by sins, spinning in the same circle while doubting and exploiting others. This solitary prying and toying with hearts is frustrating and impolite. By no means it is independent of society and liberty of thoughts.
                                                                                          Yes I agree by diluting the previous policies and procedures new laws can be made. But I ask for whom are these laws ? For the people residing there ? Or the people who've established their thrones atop and allying with large number of subordinates ? I ask why the residents weren't asked what they desire, their ambitions ? I ask why hundreds of questions are unanswered ? Trust me,  neither it is secularism nor pieces of 'Constitution' granted to people.
                                                          The sufferers will be us as well as nature. We'll end up interpreting things in a weird way. However, we're happy to be in the same constituency but don't harm our laws, policies and procedures. We're the residents, so let us be free to decide how and why. Don't create ruckus in the name of globalization and ruin the beauty of these mountains bestowed by Mother earth.
                                                                      I am not next door Muslim brother writing to garner sympathy. I am a mere pedestrian citizen of this beloved and great 'India' urging not to ruin the natural environment by implementing your so called 'Employment Process'. In the end, 15th of August 2019 happens to be 73rd year of Independence and somehow, somewhere, someone is still striving to get Freedom and Liberty. It maybe humans or different animals or even the Environment !
                                           Give it a thought. Wishing each and everyone of you a very Happy Independence Day as well as Raksha Bandhan. Tie the knot to protect nature and in return the nature will protect you.


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