The Dark Hero!


"Live not for The-End-Of-The-Song.
                              Live in the along." 
                           - Gwendolyn Brooks 

If you're reading this with tired eyes wrapped perfectly in dark circles, a bit watery which seems to make everything look smudgy, then look up at the one infront of you. You're as alive as that person.

"This was simply what life was: the distracting tasks undertaken while 
the thing you are waiting for 
continues not to happen." 

- Sally Rooney 

I'm slipping another message into your heart, another unread message will be waiting to be knocked open by your heart. Once your heart clicks over it, it'll move over to the 'read list'. It is the same with human bonds. Once you touch the soul of a person, it moves to the 'touched list' and its purpose is fulfilled. You may move it to the recycle bin after a certain period, but it still remains there until you permanently delete it. But most people often forget to erase it permanently, because maybe they want to lurk in the silhouette of that touch and restore it if the chance permits. You need to be cautious in restoring it, because after a certain period you can't find that message in the bin too. Just like people who forget us or whom we forget after a certain period.

"If you learn how to stop looking at human beings like belongings, you won't feel so robbed when they leave."

- Beau Taplin 

Your life is a mess, ain't it? You have probably stopped your mouth from speaking the tragedy of your life to me innumerable times. But see how I know that you are a terrible mess. Don't think any better of me, I'm in the same club. Yesterday I was feeling robbed, because someone momentarily left me. I felt like my world is turning upside-down and suddenly the alarm rang and she was back. It felt like a state of trance. But the question is have I treated that person as a mere belonging? I have got no answer and the feeling is really unsettling. I think I've grown a fear of people leaving me, or wait is it a disease? I don't want to be a patient of such a grievous disease at such a young age, lol!

"Some days in late August at home are like this, the air thin and eager like this, with something in it sad and nostalgic and familiar." 

- William Faulkner 

How many times have you tried reading the face of the person who sat opposite to you during the train journey of your life? I caught you! Stop being red-faced. I know you got nothing or probably very little. At least you tried, if it would have been me I would have been excited to look outside the window. Who even cares to look at a stranger's face these days? You're so kind or maybe you did it to satisfy your own thirst of curiosity.

"I suspect the truth is that we are waiting, all of us, against insurmountable odds, for something extraordinary to happen to us." 
- Khaled Hosseini 

Even if your life and mine is a mess now, we're destined to make it better. Look how far we've come. Now I won't even believe, if anyone says we aren't made for great things. Obviously, here the credit goes to me for spamming you with regular messages like the one you're reading now.

Believe me, we're made for extraordinary feats. Together we'll hope and make it possible.

Because yours truly also loves the darkness.👽💗


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