
People live on forgetting their past unless it affects them emotionally. When we all started it was about impressing or expressing our views/ideas in a way to risk everything and make people stay. Though there is so much more to "Human Lives". Sometimes a splendid royal presence and at times miserable gloomy sorrows. Every time she heard this word "LOVE", her skin crawls upwards while flooding chilly goosebumps down the spine. No, it wasn't because of her monthly Menstrual Cycle or her overly sarcastic personality or her lack of fake emotions, It was merely a question of "LOVE". Priyam was her name and deprived of "LOVE" she was !!!. Those soul cimmerian experiences of people making her "BELIEVE" only welded harassment and molestation. Body and mind were owned through absurd motions of getting punished by parents or people around. All of this physical turmoil and mental burnout didn't stop Priyam loving, not only because of her obsession with "FUTURE AND LOVE", but also her kind heart brimmed with forgiveness. She "Hoped" that one day someone might come, hold her hand gently, look in her eyes with respect and ask "Are you all right ??" and her answers would be tiny droplets of endless pain withered till now. She would cry like 2-year-old baby hugging her Mother tightly enough to not let go. This is what Priyam wanted and this is what she'll be "Beloved and Feminine".


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