Regret(part 1)

What is regret??? What can be considered as true regret in life??? Difference between regret, experience and lessons??? Several such emotions are so damn popular in kids of these generation(20's I mean). So to know some of these answers, I actually met some of the youngsters and had a brief chatting regarding REGRETS.

A 16 year old girl said that failed relationship with her boyfriend of past 5 years can be deemed as her biggest regret of life. I actually imagined in my head, she's 16, having a boyfriend past 5 years, which makes her 11 when dating started, Really???. So further questioning, I asked what was the reason which caused the relationship to fall out, the manner and tone with which she answered gave me chills round the spine thousands of time, she answered "She didn't allow him to have Sex", and this happened after the boy's 15th birthday. He asked for birthday present and she refused to dig deep.
I mean really??? all of this shit just because no Sex was offered on the table for guy. The reason getting chills round the spine was she sees this Refusal to Sex as her biggest regret of her life. How can life be so cruel when she's just 15 didn't even hit puberty and given up torrid time with emotions???
Again as I continued with my research, what caught my mind was her attraction to western culture. She spoke highly of western culture and their thoughts, traditions, customs. The reason she states her relationship as failure cause in western countries most girl lose their virginity between 12 to 16 and losing virginity is considered as symbol of being an Adult by her and peers.

My whole world shaken up by the turn of events. This got all over my head thinking, "was my generation so old school that holding hands with girl in public would be considered as taboo, pervert and even more name to tag along??".
Were we illiterate in our knowledge of girls and dating???. More and more of such questions eating my brain like cancer cells.
The quest for finding more and more answers left me with no choice but to close the chatting down and take some break.


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